Vox Day says his totally-not-racist comments have been taken out of context....
Guys, wait up! Racist, woman-hating fantasy author Theodore Beale (aka Vox Day) is upset that people are calling him racist. I mean, it’s not like he called all black people “savages,” he objects; he...
View ArticleThe latest on Jeremiah True, accused groper, “MRA God” and self-proclaimed...
Jeremiah True, seated on floor, protests his exclusion from a class discussion section The story of Jeremiah True — the Reed College student who made headlines last month as a self-proclaimed free...
View ArticleDrunken Return of Kings writer embarrasses self, white race, at White Power...
Proof of the superiority of the white race? Speakers at AmRen 2015 A writer from Roosh Valizadeh’s terrible Return of Kings site recently got himself into a bit of trouble at a white power convention...
View ArticleThe top 10 shocking “truths” about feminism I’ve learned from...
That is a lot of tweeting. So have you been following this whole #HowToSpotAFeminist thing on the Tweeter? The hashtag was started a couple of days ago by some right-wing radio dudes as an excuse to...
View ArticleIs the bigot-fighting Southern Poverty Law Center the REAL hate group? One...
Hey, Dean Esmay — are these really the guys you want on your side? The not-so-good folks at A Voice for Men are still so steamed about the Southern Poverty Law Center calling them out on their misogyny...
View ArticleFurious about Furiosa: Misogynists are losing it over Charlize Theron’s...
Original poster for the 1979 Mad Max So you may have heard vague rumors that there’s a new Mad Max film coming out. You also may have heard that it stars Charlize Theron as a shaven-headed...
View ArticleComments I don’t let through: Saturday afternoon hate potpourri
We get a lot of these around here. Once again, a look at some of the comments that people try to leave here, but which for assorted reasons don’t get past the rigorous We Hunted the Mammoth screening...
View ArticleManosphere blogger: Anders Breivik “should have targeted the politicians,...
Breivik after his arrest In July of 2011, Anders Breivik set off a bomb in front of government buildings in Oslo, killing 8 people, then gunned down dozens more at a summer camp for the youth league of...
View ArticleThe Top Ten Completely Untrue Things I Learned from GirlWritesWhat’s Red Pill...
Karen “GirlWritesWhat” Straughan: Everything she says is “true” Karen Straughan, the soporific, pseudoscientific YouTube antifeminist, doesn’t seem on the surface much like a “Red Pill Woman.” She’s a...
View ArticleProminent MRA tries to blame Charleston shooting on feminism and its alleged...
Dylann Storm Roof’s Facebook profile picture; the patches on his jacket depict the flags of Rhodesia and apartheid-era South Africa Less than 24 hours after an apparent white supremacist murdered nine...
View ArticleMRA Dean Esmay elevates the discourse with new #SpankAFeminist hashtag,...
Dean Esmay wants you to know that you’re a cruel bitter bitchy hatemongering bigot harpy who needs to be spanked, metaphorically. Dean Esmay, the Chief Operations Officer (whatever that is) of A Voice...
View ArticleDylann Roof, apparently a regular commenter at The Daily Stormer, learned his...
Computers: Popular with racists It’s yet another reminder that online hate has consequences. In a manifesto of sorts he posted before he shot and killed 9 black people in a Charleston church, Dylann...
View ArticleLeading MRA site A Voice for Men continues to publish a Holocaust denier and...
Some other Holocaust deniers Last month, I reported that Indian Men’s Rights Activist and marital rape apologist Amartya Talukdar — a regular contributor to leading Men’s Rights site A Voice for Men —...
View ArticleDean Esmay, MRA and big old white dude, tells feminist women of color they’re...
Dean Esmay: Considers himself qualified to judge your blackness Dean Esmay — Men’s Rights Activist, AIDS “skeptic,” big old white dude — has added another skill to his resume: Arbiter of Blackness. If...
View ArticleA good portion of Reddit has gone dark in protest of site admins’ apparent...
Hey, where’d that subreddit go? So Reddit is in a tizzy again. This time, surprisingly, it’s not because Redditors are outraged that the site admins have hired a woman, or shut down one of dozens of...
View ArticleWho’s Afraid of Cultural Marxism? Nazis, mostly, as this roundup of terrible...
How the opponents of so-called Cultural Marxism see the world Every once in a while, a hostile commenter wanders into the discussion here nattering about the evils of “Cultural Marxism.” One stopped by...
View Article“Did you know that there is no proof that punishing rape is actually...
It’s amazing just how quickly a visit to 4chan’s /pol/ board can strip you of any lingering faith in humanity. Consider the following 4chan “infographic” posted recently on Twitter: A quick Google...
View ArticlePao! Right in the Kisser: Reddit assholes celebrate CEO’s resignation after a...
An anti-Pao graphic, repurposing Chinese Communist propaganda Congratulations, assholes of Reddit! You’ve driven another woman away from your internet clubhouse. This time the woman in question was the...
View ArticleYeah, well, YOU’RE the real racists and misogynists, one Ellen Pao hater...
No racism here! Screenshot from an anti-Pao video. The misogyny of many of those who badgered Ellen Pao out of her CEO position at Reddit was about as subtle as an explosive fart at a dinner party. And...
View ArticleReddit to White Supremacists and other bigots: We’ll host your forums — at...
Much better policy; Send Reddit’s bigots to Snake Island So the new Reddit CEO — returning co-founder Steve “Spez” Huffman — announced the site’s much-anticipated new content guidelines today, and to...
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