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MRA Dean Esmay elevates the discourse with new #SpankAFeminist hashtag, gratuitous rape references

Dean Esmay

Dean Esmay wants you to know that you’re a cruel bitter bitchy hatemongering bigot harpy who needs to be spanked, metaphorically.

Dean Esmay, the Chief Operations Officer (whatever that is) of A Voice for Men, has scored a major public relations coup for the Men’s Rights movement with his aggressive promotion of an exciting new Twitter hashtag, #SpankAFeminist.

In what I can only assume is an attempt to convince the world that MRAs do indeed spend a good portion of their days fantasizing about doing physical harm to feminists, Esmay explains in a post on AVFM that the hashtag is necessary “because it’s finally time to put abusive liars over the knee.” 

In case you’re wondering, when he refers to “abusive liars” he means feminists and not, you know, people who think that publicly fantasizing about spanking feminists is 1) hilarious and 2) some kind of actual activism on the behalf of men.

Esmay is quick to assure his readers that he is only referring to metaphorical spankings over metaphorical knees.

As he sees it, feminists are pretty much all just begging to be spanked (metaphorically).

Why would you spank a feminist? Well in reality, we know a lot of them would complain but some might actually enjoy it. Who knows? Maybe they’re just shit-testing us all and waiting and feeling frustrated that we aren’t responding right.

Evidently, in Esmayland, when women challenge their male partners with so-called “shit tests” it’s because deep down they want to be physically assaulted.

Also, feminists are a bunch of meanies, anyway.

[A]ny time you meet a feminist, you should spank him or her until they cry. And do it every time they open their mouths to spew forth their hateful lies about standing for tolerance, inclusion, and equality, when there is no movement in the modern world that does more to fight against tolerance, inclusion, freedom, and equality than feminism. Not even real life fascists or communists can top them at this point.

Feminism is an intolerant, hateful, racist, anti-gay, misandrist, misogynist, gynocentric religion and hate movement.

Yep, that’s right: In Esmayland, feminists are actually worse than real Nazis.

So how is the spanking going so far? Here are a few of Esmay’s contributions to the hashtag. As always, he is a master of subtlety. CONTENT WARNING for terrible rape references. Also a WAIT, WHAT? WARNING for some of the nonsensiest nonsense I think I’ve ever seen.

You may have noticed that Esmay favors some rather colorful descriptions of feminists and feminism. Here are a few others he’s used in the hashtag over the last day or so.

  • Bitter bitchy harpies
  • Cruel violent abusive harpies
  • Hatemongering cultist[s]
  • Misandrist bigot[s]
  • Bigots and bullies
  • Hateful feminist bigot and bully
  • Bigot feminists

It’s weird that someone who complains so much about alleged feminist “bigotry” is fine with publishing articles written by a literal Holocaust denier.

Also, given how evil we feminists are, it seems a bit strange that Esmay tried to friend me on LinkedIn the other day.

Dean Esmay, man of many surprises.

While Esmay’s tweets seem to make up roughly half of the #SpankAFeminist hashtag, a handful of other terrible people have enlisted in Esmay’s (metaphorical) spanking crusade. Here are some of the most charming of the bunch, and when I say “charming” I mean CONTENT WARNING for gratuitous rape references, violent gifs, and Dan Perrins being Dan Perrins. (I’ve omitted the assorted porn pictures the #SpankAFeminist folks have posted.)

All of this is truly good for bitcoin Men’s Rights.

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