No one wants to plant his seed in a garbage dump: MGTOWers explain why they...
Uh oh. Let’s take another stroll through the strange wonderland of Men Going Their Own Way, that small and bitter tribe of men who boldly declare their independence from women, then spend the rest of...
View ArticleW.F. Price of The Spearhead accuses me of supporting violence against women …...
W.F. Price (not pictured) believes the best way to prevent domestic violence is to put men in charge of households, and to keep police out W. F. Price of The Spearhead isn’t very happy about my recent...
View ArticleVox Day: Honor mothers. Yes, they’re women, but without them the “Western...
Mothers: Women, yes, but without them we’d have no babies. Happy Mothers’ Day! In honor of this special day let me share the sweet sentiments of the mother-loving Vox Day, who took time out of his busy...
View ArticleExpat PUA blogger: “24 is super crazy, crazy old. for a girl. 17. 19. past...
I couldn’t come up with a good graphic for this post, so here’s a giant chicken kidnapping a young boy. Jakeface — not his real name — is a “Game” blogger, pushing 40, and living in Vietnam. Or...
View ArticleReddit or Stormfront? The hip new game that’s sweeping the nation
Reddit upvotes, in real life. Just wanted to let you all know about avery diverting — and damnably difficult — little game you can play on the internets: Reddit or Stormfront? The premise is simple:...
View Article“The battle against feminism is most definitely a white rights issue,” Reddit...
White men: Hot local girls are waiting for you now! Here’s a horrible comment from Reddit’s always horrible White Rights subreddit that reveals some of the ways that the central ideas and obsessions...
View ArticleWhy Elliot Rodger’s misogyny matters
A chart posted by Elliot Rodger, giving his chilling spin on a manosphere meme depicting supposed female “hypergamy” When a white supremacist murders blacks or Jews, no one doubts that his murders are...
View ArticleHeartiste takes on an “egotistic, attention starved, solipsistic, passive...
The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.) Thanks! (And thanks again to...
View Article#EndFathersDay: Trolls being trolls, or “black propaganda” designed to tear...
Not actual feminist You all got the memo about #EndFathersDay fiasco, right – the phony “feminist” hashtag, seeded and spread by 4chan trolls, that aroused so much consternation on Twitter the other...
View ArticleThe gender and racial makeovers of Thor and Captain America rustle jimmies at...
Captain America and the guy who’ll be taking over his job So it turns out that Red Pill Redditors aren’t the only ones in a tizzy about Marvel comics’ plan to replace Thor (the superhero, not the...
View Article“Egalitarian” Redditor explains why protesting Michael Brown’s shooting would...
“The MRM aims towards improving the rights of all men, not small subsets of men.” I suppose none of us should really be shocked that the death of Michael Brown, a black teenager literally shot in the...
View Article#FreeWarMachine: A hashtag for the worst people on planet earth
War Machine, thinking positive thoughts about himself. If you’re worried that your view of humanity is excessively sunny, well, here’s one way to fix that: take a look at the hashtag #FreeWarMachine on...
View ArticleLeave it to The Spearhead to come up with the most repellent take on Ray Rice...
The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.) Thanks! If you hope to make...
View ArticleCreepy expat “dates” 18-year-olds “because they make excellent devoted sex...
Pubic louse. One of many creatures that Xsplat is worse than. There are a lot of good reasons why the words “creepy” and “expat” end up together so often. But sometimes the word “creepy” really isn’t...
View ArticleNo troll, no MRA Open Thread for discussion of the murders of Angelia Magnum...
Angelia Magnum and Tjhisha Ball An open thread for discussion of the murders of sex workers Angelia Magnum and Tjhisha Ball in Jacksonville, as well as any other topics that might benefit from having...
View ArticleReddit hits a new low with a subreddit promoting the “corrective” rape of...
Collage of images from the PhilosophyOfRape subreddit For a social media site with pretensions to respectability, Reddit shows an astounding tolerance for hate. As anyone who has ever explored the...
View ArticleA Voice for Men’s Alison Tieman: Winning women the vote was “Feminism’s first...
I don’t often write about Alison Tieman – the eccentric FeMRA videoblogger known better as Typhon Blue – in large part because, well, have you ever watched one of her videos? Her arguments and...
View ArticleA Voice for Men’s Janet Bloomfield libels Anita Sarkeesian with an obviously...
Janet Bloomfield: Unapologetic asshole. Profile picture for one of her Twitter accounts. EDIT: Bloomfield says she found the screenshot on Facebook. Details below. Janet Bloomfield – A Voice for Men’s...
View ArticleStuff You Absolutely Have to Read: Kathy Sierra and Adria Richards on...
Sometimes when I post links, they’re simply interesting things I’ve run across. These, though, are essential reads: Why the Trolls Will Always Win, by Kathy Sierra, Wired A detailed post by Java...
View ArticleRed Piller wins the culture war with innovative “panty sniffer” insult
My post about Heartiste and the sour slut grapes the other day inspired the following highly ironic series of Tweets from Mr. H and one of his fans. I am overwhelmed by the intellectual firepower on...
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