Matt Forney — yes, THAT guy — dances on Nelson Mandela’s grave
Nelson Mandela, RIP For more proof that bigotries flock together, let’s take a look at some tweets the always despicable Matt Forney made today after learning of the death of Nelson Mandela: My...
View ArticleA Great Male Human Being: A Voice for Men remembers Nelson Mandela, in its...
Apparently some of the folks at A Voice for Men are afraid that, amidst all the eulogies for one of the greatest freedom fighters of our age, people may lose sight of the fact that Nelson Mandela was,...
View ArticleRed Piller: Unless white women start “sh*tting out” more babies, western...
A shipment of white babies. So one of the regulars on Reddit’s The Red Pill subreddit — the “TRP Endorsed” contributor who calls himself IllimitableMan — has worked himself into a lather about the...
View ArticleThe Apocalypse of the Other Jim: How Lorde and Lena Dunham are destroying...
Lorde: Harbinger of doom? So over on The Spearhead, the fellas are discussing pop star and self-professed feminist Lorde — no, really — and, well, I have some bad news for you all. Apparently we’re...
View ArticleRemembering Martin Luther King’s courage
Martin Luther King after being hit by a rock during a demonstration in Chicago, 1966 Today is Martin Luther King day here in the United States. In remembering Dr. King’s legacy, alas, his story is...
View ArticleMen’s Rightsers honor Martin Luther King by talking about how women totally...
Mugshots of Freedom Riders arrested for protesting segregation. The Freedom Riders were often attacked by white mobs, with the complicity of the police. Click on image for more info, and more pictures....
View ArticleReturn of Kings: Beware the insidious danger of the short-haired girl!
Hideous short-haired monster Jean Seberg poses with adorable mouse. Having previously taken on such dire threats to Western Civilization as “fat girls,” “manginas,” and “rape tourettes,” the...
View ArticleHeartiste channels Stormfront with a racist song parody about a “beta male”...
Gordon Lightfoot had nothing to do with any of this. The Man Boobz Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider clicking the little button below and sending some bucks my way....
View ArticleSome of the comments I don’t let through
How comments are moderated at Man Boobz. So I had to re-ban a couple of long-banned trolls today, who had returned with new names and slightly different IP addresses but who gave themselves away with...
View Article5 Arguments Least Likely To Convince A Young Woman That A Voice for Men Isn’t...
Hey ladies! Dean Esmay reaches out to the young women of America Not that long ago, an 18-year-old student named Carly, appalled by the rampant misogyny on display at A Voice for Men, sent a critical...
View ArticleManosphere drama: Roosh Valizadeh reportedly arrested in Poland after...
Roosh, either in custody in Poland or posing in a jail cell for some publicity stunt. Photo from Roosh V Forum UPDATE: Increasingly implausible posts from Tuthmosis, the source of all the “information”...
View ArticleMeet Dr. Thaddeus Pixel, Inventor of Science
Dr. Thaddeus Pixel, Inventor of Science. (Detail of poster from Chateau Heartiste) So the other day some of the fellas over on Chateau Heartiste — one of the internet’s top destinations for racist,...
View ArticleQuiz: Who said “Sluts are just whores in training?”
Misogynists also like to remain anonymous when they make terrible jokes Time for a little quiz! Who posted comments online in which he (or she) declared that: “Sluts are just whores in training.”...
View ArticleCaulking in Her Cock Vault: A New and Improved Chateau Heartiste Crib Sheet...
Don’t let anyone see you checking your notes! So our dear friend Heartiste, the white-supremacist woman-botherer, has assembled a little “Chateau Heartiste Crib Sheet of Game,” a compilation of some of...
View ArticleIt’s “Get On Your Knees and Thank a White Man Day” in the Men’s Rights...
King Leopold of Belgium brought the gift of death to ten million Africans Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a dude named unkleman wants us all to remember the debt of gratitude we owe to the white...
View ArticleCreepyPM Time: Let Me ‘Splain That For You Edition
Let’s take another visit to the CreepyPM subreddit, where innocent souls post screenshots of the perfectly horrendous private messages they’ve gotten, sometimes on dating sites, sometimes not. In...
View ArticleHugo-nominated Vox Day: Even worse than you think
Strike up the band! Vox Day has been nominated for a Hugo! So our old friend Vox Day – the proudly bigoted science fiction/fantasy writer and self-professed expert on all things “Alpha” – is in the...
View ArticleNew Manosphere theory: Cliven Bundy is being attacked because he talks too...
Cliven Bundy: Too black? Well, I was wrong. I thought that Heartiste would be the first Manospherian to come to the defense of fallen Fox News hero Cliven Bundy. Nope. Turns out it was W. F. Price of...
View ArticleWhite Men’s Rights Redditors agree: “Men are the new n*ggers.”
Paula Deen: Role model for MRAs? So why are so many white dudes so desperate for an excuse to use the n-word? Consider this white dude, who recently posted this bit of, er, wisdom in the Men’s Rights...
View ArticleUK Political Donor Demetri Marchessini: Women In Trousers Are Destroying...
Marlene Dietrich oppressing man with her trousers. Demetri Marchessini is a retired Greek business tycoon, living in London, and has been a major donor to the right-wing, anti-immigrant UK Independence...
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