Wait, WHAT did you just Tweet?
Do you remember those Trump-loving, nonwhite-people-hating “alt-right” wingers who are obsessed with calling everyone “cucks,” as in “cuckolds?” Were you wondering what they thought about the Paris attacks?
No? Well, too bad because I’ve collected a bunch of their Tweets for you. And they are as thoughtful and nuanced as you might expect. By which I mean as far from thoughtful and/or nuanced as is humanly possible.
Some of them take the “cuck” metaphor quite literally:
Oh, look, they’re fans of Breitbart!
But not fans of comedian Michael Ian Black:
Oh, don’t worry, they haven’t forgotten about the other pressing issues of the day:
And they haven’t forgotten about dear old Donald Trump either:
EXTRA POINTS: At least one of these Tweeters is a #GamerGater. Without looking at anyone’s Twitter timeline, can you tell which one(s)?