My feeling exactly
A new candidate for the worst song in history has emerged!
A fan of quasi-Nazi pickup guru and prose-abuser Heartiste has put out a rough version of a song he calls “The Sh*tlib Zone,” a grotesque ripoff — Heartiste euphemistically calls it a “reinterpretation” — of Golden Earring’s 80s classic “Twilight Zone.”
This abomination replaces the original’s enigmatic lyrics with what amounts to a bizarre rant filled with racism, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and probably a few other sorts of bigotry I’m forgetting.
Adding to the horribleness of it all, the song is littered with the weird racist slang that’s become ubiquitous in certain corners of the far-right today, making portions of the song all but incomprehensible for anyone who’s not a Nazi, a channer and/or a regular reader of Heartiste’s blog. Here’s one of the choruses, to give you just a taste of this horror:
Help, I’m cuckin’ into the shitlib zone
Place is a bathhouse, can’t stop being prone
My manhood’s been moved, under Jenner’s dress
How far am I to bend when they call me racist?
That’s actually one of the more comprehensible bits of the song. Other lines from the song aren’t quite so clear:
Yeah, my daughter’s burning coal, dindu in my bed
As a regular hate-reader of Heartiste’s hate site, I actually understand this nonsense, so let me translate. “Coal-burning” means interracial sex between a white woman and a black man (the term may also mean sex between a white man and a black woman, but I’ve never seen it used that way). “Dindu” is a lovely new derogatory term for black people, based on the notion that black “thugs” (and/or their families) always say that they “dindu nuffin” when they’re accused of crimes that racist white dudes think they’ve committed.
So evidently the “sh*tlib cuck” who is the song’s narrator is being “cucked” by his wife and a black man; meanwhile, his daughter is also dating a black man.
You can read the rest of the lyrics in Heartiste’s post if you feel like putting yourself through that particular ordeal.
Speaking of ordeals, here’s the actual song. I tried, but was unable to make it all the way through; it wasn’t a technical issue but a “goddamn it what the hell am I doing with my life that I’m actually listening to this horrendous crap” issue. You may have a similar problem.
Here’s Golden Earring’s original. You might want to listen to it instead, as it will not make you continually cringe from start to finish.