Would Hitler have been a Redditor?
Have we reached Peak Reddit, the point at which Reddit cannot get any Redditer? This comment, from the racist cesspit that is the European subreddit, suggests that we’re rapidly reaching the zenith of Redditry.
Huh. I can’t believe that young Mr. WhitePride_1488 forgot to mention “cucks.” Is this guy not a real Nazi after all?
Oh wait, he called someone a “cuck” in a previous comment. Crisis averted! Everything is under control!
And in case his raging racism and anti-Semitism, the “WhitePower” bit in his Reddit user name, his use of the neo-Nazi dogwhistle “1488,” and his general unpleasantness weren’t evidence enough of his status as a literal Nazi, he has also graced Reddit with his thoughts about a certain Mr. Hitler. For example:
Hitler didnt do anything wrong. He was kicking out the Jews in Germany so he could have his country back.
Oh, and this:
One day the world will know Hitler was right all along.
And, yes, he is of course a Holocaust denier. And a fan of Ann Coulter.
Frankly, I’m not sure which is worse.
H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture