So it turns out that Heartiste — everybody’s favorite white supremacist pickup artist assbag — isn’t just a white supremacist when it comes to dudes.
He is also a white supremacist of the vagina, proclaiming that “white woman pussy” is the finest of all pussy on planet earth. This may be as close as he’s ever come to saying anything positive about women, so, white ladies, savor this moment!
But Heartiste is worried that white women aren’t really behaving like the owners of the greatest vaginas ever should be behaving. “[B]eing a holder of the world’s Number One Nethers means that with such power one accepts great responsibility for its stewardship,” he writes in a recent blog post.
Now ask yourselves, does it seem like White women are exercising good stewardship of their Golden Gashes? The obesity epidemic, let alone the slow rise in WW-BM interracial dating, suggests White women have fallen down on the job of keeping their down above the mob.
Alas, Heartiste laments, the problem isn’t just that some white women date black men — a practice known to racist peckerheads like Heartiste as “mudsharking.” It seems they aren’t using their magic white wombs to produce a new generation of Aryan babies. Instead, Heartiste reports with horror, white gals are adopting “third world sprogs in place of White children.”
Heartiste quotes with approval one of his commenters, who’s upset that white hottie Charlize Theron isn’t putting
her solid-gold vagina to good use by marrying an Alpha White man and pumping out 3-4 (minimum) White children.
Instead, the commenter writes, “she lets her White ova rot and adopts some Black kids. … Madness”
Heartiste has a sad.
Beautiful white woman pussyfruit rotting on the vine. Cucks would have us import millions of dusky malcontents to pick that fruit so that it can be sold on the open sexual market at discount bin prices. But we don’t even need the cucks; too many White women appear ready and eager to spit on their glorious race and culture heritage, and to disavow even the Darwinian Prime Directive.
Heartiste apparently has no clue as to how evolution works.