PR can be a touchy issue for the alt-right. Some who’ve joined up with (or at least glommed onto) the euphemistically named movement have cried foul at the Nazi salutes at the recent National Policy Institute conference — on the grounds that they might cause some outsiders to think that their obsessively anti-Semitic, white supremacist movement had something to do with the Nazis.
Similarly, some worry that the alt-right’s embrace of the German term “lügenpresse” (lying press) might also draw Nazi comparisons, just because the term was really, really, really popular with, you know, the Literal Nazis.
As one self-described shitlord asked plaintively on Twitter yesterday:
@FacMagnaAmerica Why do you use the term Lugenpresse? It only reinforces the neo-nazi image liberals have of the alt-right
— Lim sky (@Limsky420) November 28, 2016
After several minutes of exhaustive research on the subject, which consisted of looking through a couple hundred of the most recent Tweets using the word, I have concluded that the sort of people who like to use the word “lugenpresse,” well, let’s just say that it wouldn’t be too hard to detect a certain Nazi-ness about them, even if they never ever uttered this particular word in public.
I mean, seriously:
@JBurtonXP The lugenpresse must be liquidated if we are to ever have a chance at a country again.
— PresidentElectTrump (@tdltdltdltdltdl) November 29, 2016
Fake News (noun)
Anything published by discredited outlets like Politico, WaPo, NYT, CNN, etc.
Also see: Lugenpresse, Judenpresse— RepublicanVoter (@SwampDrainr) November 28, 2016
@GrammarPatrolMV @RepStevenSmith @nytimes Jewish Lugenpresse is not free. It's a foreign propaganda arm aiming to subvert Europeans.
— Sir Wadsworth Croak (@sir_croak) November 28, 2016
#lugenpresse your astounding love of hypocrisy is not sustainable and will be your ultimate undoing. #RiggedMedia #JewishSupremacy
— Fourteen Eight Eight (@AltReich1488) November 28, 2016
.@davidfrum Scurry and hide moron. Come back when you can get it right. #Presstitutes of the #Lugenpresse your days are numbered. Tick Tock.
— Great Artiste (@GreatArtiste45) November 27, 2016
Screw the #Lugenpresse! I stand with Spencer! #IStandWithSpencer
— Batavian Shitlord
⚡ (@bat_shitlord) November 27, 2016
@jazzhandmcfeels Yeah, I think I'll take some heat from the lugenpresse rather than hand my country over to non-Whites
— Mengerian Knight (@MengerianKnight) November 27, 2016
@Cuckerella You talk like a CNN pundit. These ppl aren't "White power" they just want to cherish their ethnicity like any other group does.
— Deport Lugenpresse (@WallWatcher1983) November 25, 2016
@Kris_Sacrebleu Oh don't you worry, #TheDonald will serve 2 terms. You need to stop listening the the #Jew controlled #LugenPresse
— MilitantBuddha (@ShadowWar_1) November 25, 2016
@ALavagnino they're cucks You're a cuck We need to shift the Overton window. We won't by disavowing when the lugenpresse calls us nazis.
— Pinnochiochet (@HwyteMale) November 24, 2016
The #AltRight should never denounce its vanguard. We're doing well, don't let the cultural Marxist Lugenpresse black pill you now.
— Mundilfury (@Mundilfury) November 24, 2016
A corollary: Any movement regardless of name that seeks to defend whites will be called "Nazi" by the lugenpresse.
— Whiteamerican Male (@whiteamerican11) November 23, 2016
I would shut down the Lugenpresse entirely.— Charles Lindbergh (@attentionmustbe) November 24, 2016
@JaredWyand Jews shouldn't be allowed to hold positions in American media. Not anti-semitism, just common sense.
— Deport Lugenpresse (@WallWatcher1983) November 23, 2016
@Bulbasaur_TRS lugënpresse will always try to shekelate the narrative. Never surrender the narrative.
— (@brabakr) November 25, 2016
Oh wait, I’m being told that “lügenpresse” has nothing whatsoever to do with the Nazis.
@Uptomyknees Sorry to burst your #LiberalFantasy bubble, but the term "lugenpresse" pre-dates Nazi Germany. It's not a "Nazi thing".
— Facta Non Verba ✠ (@ChristiEquites) November 26, 2016
Oops! My bad.