Say what you want about the tenets of Internet Nazism, at least it offers lovelorn white supremacists handy dating advice.
In yesterday’s edition of Radio Aryan’s Daily Traditionalist show, beardy white supremacist/Trump superfan Matthew Heimbach and guest Sven Longshanks discussed Sven’s attendance at a meeting of one of the Daily Stormer’s new, ahem, “book clubs,” designed to provide really really racist dudes with camaraderie, weapons training, and dating advice.
According to the summary of the show on the Radio Aryan website, the two suggested that fellow white supremacist dudes looking for white love do so in gruppens groups:
Women are … attracted to men in groups that are not competing among each other but co-operating with each other. They feel at ease in a situation like this and are far more likely to talk to a group of affable men than they are to individuals that look like they are out on the pull and conspicuously trying to impress women.
Also, maybe grow a beard?
The subject of masculinity comes up and the White man’s ability to grow a luxurious beard. According to early racial science the original Negro and Chinaman were unable to grow beards and the fact that the White man could, showed that our race was more mature and fully grown than the others. The fact that some Negroes now have beards shows that they are mulattoes. Matt encourages men to grow well-kept beards as a sign of being anti-feminist, as feminists hate them.
So ladies, if you find yourself being chatted up at the local watering hole by a weirdly affable group of beardymen in matching brown shirts, well, they probably listen to Radio Aryan.