You probably haven’t been wondering what profound conclusions the racist pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste has drawn from the horrific tragedy in Orlando. But I’m going to tell you anyway.
The first? That Omar Mateen was a pretty cool dude.
Don’t get me wrong. Heartiste is a Trump-worshipping bigot who wants not only the “jihadis” but their families “targeted for kebab removal,” as he’s charmingly put it.
But he also thinks that Mateen is ALPHA AF. As he wrote in a post today:
Chicks dig jerks, especially cute chicks in the prime of their fertility who could have non-jerks if they desired them.
And Mateen scored at least two such “‘chicks.”
The allure of the alpha male — note I did not say admirable man — over women is unmissable. … History is replete with female accomplices of alpha male killers whose charms could not be resisted.
Well, not quite as replete as all that. A look through Wikipedia’s vast list of the world’s serial killers suggests that it is far more common for male murderers to have male accomplices.
Lest it go under-reported, Omar’s first wife is a true hottie, and he has kids from multiple women.
Lest Heartiste forget it, Omar Mateen’s first wife reportedly fled from him only a few months into their brief marriage, apparently in such a hurry that she left virtually all of her belongings behind. She settled secretly in a city 1500 miles away from her husband so he wouldn’t be able to find her.
ALPHA. And if you don’t like it, don’t blame the messenger. Blame the massengil.
Even by the standards of bad puns, that last bit makes no sense whatsoever; it’s only funny if you think that all references to vaginas and their supposed perpetual stinkiness are inherently hilarious, because girls are icky amirite fellas high five! For a guy who professes to be some kind of smooth Lothario, Heartiste seems to get squicked out by vaginas awfully easily. (Also, it’s spelled MassengiLL. You’d think someone who is himself a massive douchebag would know that.)
Heartiste’s swooning over Mateen’s alleged alphatude is more than a little creepy. But not as creepy as the conclusion he drew in another post he put up today — that the Orlando massacre might be the first step in a “needed cleansing” of our decadent culture.
Men from aggressive, foreign tribes, full of passion and conviction, have begun targeting the culture and lifestyle centers of their post-tribal enemy … They have identified the softest underbelly and are eviscerating it with a vengeance. This means liberals — r-selected rabbits — will bear the brunt of violent Diversity. We are careening into the rabbit holocaust, when everything liberals believe and hold dear will be under mortal threat, and they will die or scatter to the protection of their warrens.
This may be a needed cleansing.
Yep, he really did write that.
After all, it’s rabbit ideology that got us to where we are: besieged by malcontents and barbarians, and making high-minded rationalizations for welcoming ever more of them to lay waste to the rabbit-optimized Elysium fields of grass that is always fresh and green.
This “cleansing,” in Heartiste’s view, could be brutal indeed.
Millions more Americans … could die at the hands of Diversity and the Effete Elite would not surrender their open borders globalist race-mongrelizing agenda.
But there’s a happy ending, of sorts, to Heartiste’s fractured fairy tale — one in which the cavalry, in the form of right-wing authoritarians, rides to the rescue of the remaining Americans.
The solution will be, as always, a forceful taking of power by the K-selected wolves, to save the rabbits from themselves.
And of course Heartiste sees himself as one of the wolves.
I can’t help but notice that Heartiste’s apocalyptic fantasies are strikingly reminiscent of the similarly apocalyptic, similarly delusional fantasies of a fellow by the name of Charles Manson.
I don’t make this comparison lightly. But consider this:
Manson orchestrated the grotesquely brutal Tate/LaBianca murders in hopes of triggering a race war — which Manson and his gang would ride out in a secret hideout in the desert. This was all part of what he famously called “Helter Skelter,” after the Beatles song.
Manson assumed that blacks would win this race war, but would be unable to run what remained of the country. Manson and his pals would then step up and take control themselves — thus transforming Charles Manson, the head of a rag-tag group of hippies who fed themselves out of garbage dumpsters, into the supreme ruler he’d always wanted to be.
Replace Manson’s references to “piggies” with Heartiste’s references to “rabbits” and “wolves,” and the fantasies follow a similarly addled logic. In Manson’s fever dream, the blacks — whom he hated — would carry out the “needed cleansing” of a decadent white civilization; in Heartiste’s fantasies. the hated Muslims will play a similar role.
Like Heartiste, many of those screaming the loudest about the allegedly evil Muslims hiding in our midst don’t really want the carnage to stop. In the short run, it means more converts to their hateful ideologies; in the long run, they dream of their own versions of Helter Skelter. That’s one of the reasons why this election is such a critical one — why Trump and Trumpism need to be soundly defeated.