Most Americans, it seems safe to say, look upon the murderous hate crime that left 50 dead in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando with a mixture of horror and sadness.
But for many of the proud bigots in America’s burgeoning alt-right movement, the attack has been a great opportunity.
An opportunity to spread their racist and Islamophobic views. An opportunity to boost their chosen presidential hopeful, Donald Trump.
And for some, an opportunity to make crude homophobic jokes about the victims of the shooting.
Alt-rightists often complain about being “silenced” by the evil forces of political correctness. But on Twitter today the alt-right has been anything but silent.
I spent a few hours today sorting through the Tweets of assorted alt-rightists and fellow travellers. Here’s what they are saying.
The odious racist troll Matt Forney, whom I wrote about only yesterday, set aside his homophobic trolling of Gawker staffers in order to attack Muslims and, for some reason, African-Americans:
He also managed to work in a rape joke to boot:
I have this killer technique for overcoming last minute resistance when I have a girl in my bed. I call it my fist and then my other fist.
— Matt Forney (@basedmattforney) June 12, 2016
Noted internet narcissist Mike Cernovich babbled ponderously about the need to “get hard,” buy guns, and “take our country back.”
I will not virtue signal sympathy. I have none. We CHOSE to be weak. Reject cowardice. It's time to get hard and take our country back.
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) June 12, 2016
If this election is stolen, there will not be another chance for peace. For now, my passion is working to avoid a civil war, and to #MAGA.
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) June 12, 2016
Enough of the shooting stuff. Don't be gawkers. Be active participants in life. Buy a gun, go to the gym, be prepared. The time is coming.
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) June 12, 2016
Amazingly, he has somehow managed to convince himself that Trump fans are the real victims here.
The media would be celebrating if the Orlando shooter had killed Trump supporters.
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) June 12, 2016
Even more bizarrely, he accused the media … of trying to make the “story go away fast.”
The Orlando shooter was Muslim. That explains why the media is making this story go away fast.
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) June 12, 2016
Yeah, except for the live coverage on the cable news channels and the literally thousands of news stories on the massacre.
White nationalist Youtuber RAMZPAUL didn’t even bother to rein in his homophobia while using what he derisively called the Orlando “homocaust” as an excuse to attack Muslims and pimp for nationalism.
I predicted Muslims would slaughter your precious degenerates. And you called me a bigot. Yet, I was right again.
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 12, 2016
Poor SJWs. Who will they support? Homos or Muslims? Or will they blame this slaughter on "White Privilege?"
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 12, 2016
The next step is to determine the people and groups responsible for advocating mass non-White immigration into Europe and America.
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 12, 2016
Snakes act like snakes. It is their nature. The question is who threw these snakes into our homes?
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 12, 2016
Nationalism is the answer. Omar never belonged in this country.
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) June 12, 2016
Despite being born here.
AdolfJoeBiden, an influential alt-right Twitterer with more than 34,000 followers, seemed to think that the massacre might turn out to be a … good thing.
20 dead gays is really a small price to pay to keep Muslims coming to America. A Muslim ban is not who we are as Americans. #Pulse
— AdolfJoeBiden™ (@Bidenshairplugs) June 12, 2016
But nonetheless found a way to blame the whole thing on … the Jews.
Isn't "diversity" wonderful? How boring would it be if the Jews hadn't changed our immigration laws to allow hordes of Muslims in?#Pulse
— AdolfJoeBiden™ (@Bidenshairplugs) June 12, 2016
This Trump fan seems to think the only solution is to torture people who had nothing to do with it:
In a situation like this, I fully support torture of family & friends of muzzie shooter. That's the only language they respect.
— Lyz Estrada (@lyz_estrada) June 12, 2016
The only way to stop terrorists is to let them know we will torture their mothers if they attack us. Eye for an eye is all they understand
— Lyz Estrada (@lyz_estrada) June 12, 2016
Lyz would even torture Omar Mateen’s ex-wife — who left him after a brief marriage because, she says, he was abusive to her.
Bring her in for questioning & torture to save future lives
— Lyz Estrada (@lyz_estrada) June 12, 2016
By this logic, the FBI should storm Orlando’s hospitals to torture all of Mateen’s victims being treated in them.
More than a few of these repugnant sh*tposters ook the opportunity to attack gay people.
Hate to say "I told you so"
I told you so..fags
— str_thry (@StrThry) June 12, 2016
A terrorist attack doesn't change the fact that sodomy is still revolting.
— )))Dissident USA((( (@dissidentusa) June 12, 2016
Others made homophobic jokes:
I was going to disavow Sam Hyde for doing something so terrible in Orlando, then I found out it was all faggots that died and I'm like
— Andrew Auernheimer (@rabite) June 12, 2016
Omar "Make the queer disappear" Mateen
Omar "Spray the gay away" Mateen
Omar "Put a mag in every fag" Mateen— str_thry (@StrThry) June 12, 2016
If Obama had a son, he would have been at #PulseNightclub
— The Cuckservative (@cuckservative) June 12, 2016
— The Cuckservative (@cuckservative) June 12, 2016
Others posted incoherent nonsense about the Jews:
I love tweeting about politics and world events! Go #Trump! Ps: Gas the kikes! Make the holohoax real! And don't #PrayForOrlando faggots!
— Trialsfan420 (@Trialsfan420) June 12, 2016
Thanks, kikes! Import more goatfuckin' kebobs. Kill the jew before it kills you. pg. 19 Kommandant Kikekiller #orlando
— baronvonjewhammer (@baronvonjewham1) June 12, 2016
No, all serial killers aren't white. But all happy merchants are kikes.
— Leofric ✋ (@VictoriaAutM0rs) June 12, 2016
Yet many alt-righters and fellow travellers have convinced themselves that they’re somehow the real victims.
We'd already be in camps if it was a Trump supporter.
— )))Dissident USA((( (@dissidentusa) June 12, 2016
The Orlando club massacre is a shame, but if I or my supporters got gunned down, gays and their feminist allies would be the first to cheer.
— Roosh (@rooshv) June 12, 2016
The #WhiteGenocide crowd was out in force:
#Orlando #AntiWhite #traitors infest our White #race & are destroying us from within "Diversity"= #WhiteGenocide
— RainbowCh1ldren (@RainbowCh1ldren) June 12, 2016
Orlando Experts say mass immigration and forced integration policies mean a future without Whites #WhiteGenocide
— RainbowCh1ldren (@RainbowCh1ldren) June 12, 2016
#Orlando – The people who rule us aren't pro-gay or pro-trans. They want more Muslims in the west. They are #antiwhite. #WhiteGenocide
— Down With AntiWhites (@prowhitesunite) June 12, 2016
@zerohedge So he was a Muslim Democrat for #guncontrol & #whitegenocide, & the left's answer is more of both. Libs need to be deported too.
— )))Aaron Kasparov((( (@Aaron_Kasparov) June 12, 2016
You can run;
Some may hide;
But we will stop
Our genocide,
World wide.#WhiteGenocide #Orlando #deportation #tcot— 100% real Genseric™® (@realGenseric) June 12, 2016
As were the “how’s that diversity working out for you” idiots:
This is a homegrown, natural-born citizen Muslim.
How's that diversity working out for ya?
— Hateful Heretic (@hateful_heretic) June 12, 2016
So great to see all that diversity being celebrated in #Orlando this weekend. A real inspiration for the nation! #CelebrateDiversity
— Supreme Dark Lord (@voxday) June 12, 2016
They all pretty much see mass deportations as the answer:
We don't need #GunControlNow, we need Muslim control now. Deport them ALL.
— hautedamn (@hautedamn) June 12, 2016
We're going to need to deport more than Muslims. Traitorous fucks like this don't belong in America.
— )))Dissident USA((( (@dissidentusa) June 12, 2016
it should be more obvious to the lefties than ever #removekebab
— )))PresidentPepe((( (@NeoReactionMan) June 12, 2016
Some even threatened the presumptive Democratic nominee with deportation or worse:
You will be the first one catapulted over the wall.
— Asgardian (@WarOWhites) June 12, 2016
@HillaryClinton @AnnCoulter Deport Hillary to Syria and that is where she belongs.
— Matt_Frisco (@Matt_frisco) June 12, 2016
Some mixed-and-matched assorted bigotries with wild abandon:
And then there is this lovely individual:
Just a reminder: These are all people who think of themselves as representing the finest flower of the noble civilization that needs to be protected from the darker-skinned people of the world.