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Daily Stormer: “Men Who Support Women’s Suffrage are De Facto Supporters of Gang-Rape”

Dammmmmn Adolf, back at it again with the antifeminism

Dammmmmn Adolf, back at it again with the antifeminism

So Andrew Anglin, the lovable hateful scamp behind the Anime Nazi internet tabloid The Daily Stormer, seems to be going all Men’s Rights Activist on us. In a post last week, Anglin offered his own take on a rather old argument, declaring that women need to have the vote taken away from them — for their own good.

As Anglin sees it, “allowing women to vote is the behavior of a woman-hater,” because women — like the overgrown children they are — can be easily duped into voting against their own interests. By which Anglin means voting differently than he would.

In the Austrian election last month, Anglin reports with disgust, women were less likely than men to vote for far-right presidential candidate Norbert Hofer. “If women were not allowed to vote, Hofer would have won by a landslide,” Anglin sniffs.

As he sees it, Austrian women have “overwhelmingly voted for the invasion” of their once-proud white nation by not-so-white immigrants and refugees, who have repaid this bit of kindness from Austria’s women by turning around and raping them.

“It is women who are perhaps suffering most from this invasion,” Anglin declares.

They are the ones getting raped the most (little boys are also victimized regularly). They are being murdered more than men. They are much more likely to get robbed on the street. …

[I]f you support women’s suffrage, you also support the mass rape of our women by Moslems.

But it’s men, not women, who are ultimately responsible for this mess, Anglin suggests, because women don’t really know any better. And how could you expect them to? They’re just women.

If someone gives children explosives, knowing they will blow themselves up, because of some weird and nonsensical moral system, who is responsible for the deaths of the children?

The children? Or the adults who gave them the explosives?

Just so, if someone gives women the right to vote, knowing based on easily available statistics that those women will vote to get gang-raped by Moslems, who is responsible for these gang-rapes?

And who then is the hater of women: the one who enables the gang-rapes by allowing women to vote for gang-rapes or the one who prevents the gang-rapes by disallowing women to vote for gang-rapes?

Ultimately, Anglin suggests, the blame for women suffrage should be laid at the feet of … wait for it … THE JEWS. Feminism, Anglin declares, is a central “part of the Jewish agenda.”

Later in the post, Anglin elaborates further on what he calls “the diabolical Jew-feminist agenda,” warning his readers that

the Jew concept of feminism has been at the core of the destruction of our society, both by empowering emotional women to dictate social norms according to female morality and by disempowering men, forcing them to adopt female values and become impotent and weak.

Anglin even manages to work in a mini-rant on the alleged inability of feminist men to score with the hot babes. Like a lot of alt-righters, he seems to have trouble distinguishing real life from cuckold porn.

I have never met a male feminist who was successful with women. In fact, the opposite is true: beta white knight cucks who shill for feminists tend to be completely incapable of getting laid. If they ever do get a woman, she is simply leeching them for resources while having sex with other men.

Naturally, Anglin turns to tired evo-psych fairy tales about our caveman ancestors in an attempt to back up his Cuck Theory of male feminism.

Just as men are attracted to tight butts and big breasts, women are attracted to power and an ability to dominate. This is because that is what protects them and their children.

All human behavior is based on evolutionary biology.

Naturally Anglin can’t help but throw in a weird but standard evo-psych apologia for rape.

A sensitive guy has a value of absolute zero in the natural world. If ever a sensitive man existed in the natural world, and somehow managed to land a hot babe, he would be immediately attacked and killed and his woman would be taken by a powerful man. And the woman would be happier for it, because she would be better protected by the man who stole her, and given stronger children by him.

Yeah, women just love it when men murder their partners, then kidnap and rape them.

Somewhat ironic, isn’t it, to see this argument coming from a guy who thinks we should deny women the vote — in order, supposedly, to protect them from rape.

But Anglin remains sufficiently in touch with reality to know that women’s suffrage isn’t going away any time soon. “We are not actually going to ban women from voting,” he writes.

In order to do that, we would have to have control of society, at which point we will just abolish the concept of democracy in its entirety.

Spoken like the true Trump fan he is.

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