Not-so-nice white lady Andrea Hardie — perhaps better known on the internet as Janet Bloomfield and/or JudgyBitch — is still ostensibly the Social Media Director of the fading Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men.
But with AVFM no longer grabbing the headlines it once, if briefly, did, the attention-seeking Canadian has apparently decided to hitch herself to the hate movement that’s really going places these days — the so-called alt-right, a loose collection of white supremacists, anime Nazis, and cuck-clucking Trump fans who enjoy trolling Twitter with hateful garbage as much as Hardie herself does.
Her latest publicity stunt? An almost gleefully racist Twitter tirade against Beyoncé and her fans as “feral animals” and “thugs.” As the singer’s fans took to Twitter to celebrate the premiere of Bey’s “visual album” LEMONADE, Hardie jumped into the fray with Tweets designed to offend:
Wearing fur, trashing everything – you literally look and behave like an animal. WTF are you thinking? #LEMONADE #BlackTwitter @Beyonce
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 24, 2016
Way to dispel those stereotypes about feral, violent Black people. #LEMONADE #Thug #BLM
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 24, 2016
Covered in fur, behaving like a predator, wanton violence. Yes, that's nothing at all like an animal. #Idiot @theAshLeon
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 24, 2016
I called #Beyonce a feral thug after she BEHAVED like a feral thug #LEMONADE @glitzyhive
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 24, 2016
When one Puerto Rican woman took offense at her not-very-well-disguised racist language, Hardie cranked the racism up further:
Are you sure you're not donkey? You look donkey. @natcpacheco @MrSonicAdvance
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 24, 2016
Hardie followed up her Twitter tirade with a blog post titled, with her characteristic subtlety, “Beyoncé fans are feral thugs, like her.” In it, Hardie managed to find an excuse to use the word “feral” five times, “thugs” and “thuggish” six times, and “animals” four times. Here she manages to use all three in once sentence:
What I am saying is that #BlackLivesMatter thugs can scream to high heaven they are just frustrated victims of racism, but their actions are those of feral, wild animals.
Beyoncé’s recent, Black-Panther-referencing, Super Bowl performance was “an attack on the police officers of America,” Hardie sniffs. LEMONADE is worse, a sign that Beyoncé has fully “embrace[d] the violent thuggery of #BlackLivesMatter.” And while Beyoncé’s music and music videos won’t
cause anyone to go out and shoot an officer … these thugs are already so inclined, and it sure does provide a nice musical background!
In her blog post, Hardie makes much of the fact that that some women responded to her racist Tweets with threatening language. “When I tweeted to the hashtag #Lemonade asking why Beyoncé was embracing such ugly stereotypes about Black women as feral,” Hardie writes, “a legion of her fans showed up to prove they weren’t feral at all! Good job, ladies!”
Hardie posts screenshots of Tweets in which women offended by her Tweets tell her to “shut up, bitch” and “die slow.” One women, whose account seems to have since been banned, threatens to “slice [her] like a f**ing cheesecake” as well as to do some exceptionally disturbing things to, and with, the penis of Hardie’s father.
While acknowledging that when people on Twitter threaten her, she “threaten[s] them right back,” Hardie for some reason neglects to post screenshots of any of her responses. Here are several of them, which may strike you as a tad feral, animalistic and thuggish themselves.
No. You'll be picking up the strips of skin I flayed off you and begging for mercy. I'll cut out your eyes.
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 24, 2016
I'm not close. Damn! I would love to bolt your ugly face to the roof of my car. #Lemonade
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 24, 2016
As it turns out, Hardie is something of an old hand at threatening Twitter foes with gruesome violence. Apparently she regularly fantasizes about flaying off the skin of her enemies, gouging out their eyes, and/or bolting their heads to cars and doors. Among other things.
I can't way to flay the skin from your body and slam your head on a spike. Let's play.
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) March 1, 2016
Is this wee darling lad threatening me? He can't be serious. He'll look cute flayed and spitted on my lawn.
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 20, 2016
Bring it. I will enjoy stabbing you in the face with your own broken bones. @RafalPruszynski @georgiayuung
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 17, 2016
Show me where I pretended that, before I spike your head on a stake. @bellamcasti
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 24, 2016
@JaredWyand Peaceful Muslim threatens to rape me. I promise to bolt his head to the roof of my car. Peaceful Muslim runs away crying.
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 24, 2016
@UberMasque I mock them, correct their grammar, and threaten to flay them and bolt their heads to my front door. They run away crying.
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 14, 2016
In the interest of keeping this a SFW blog, I will refrain from posting a Tweet in which Hardie pulls out the c-word before threatening to “gouge out [the] eyes” of a woman before stuffing them up her posterior.
I will also refrain from posting a Tweet in which Hardie told another Twitter foe how much she would enjoy “bolting your head to the roof of my car” because Hardie, who regularly affects great concern over being doxxed, included what I presume is her home address in the Tweet.
There are more examples, many more. And she is not shy about threatening people off of Twitter either.
But I think the point is fairly clear. If we were to judge all white women by the Twitter timeline of Andrea Hardie, we would have to conclude that they are feral, animalistic thugs — with a rather vivid imagination when it comes to imagining how they might torture, kill and dismember their foes.
Despite her penchant for floridly violent threats, Hardie — the wife of a Canadian academic — has so far refrained from explicit racial slurs, at least on Twitter.
And while she has occasionally dropped the alt-right buzzword “cuck” — once when referring to me — she hasn’t taken up another alt-right favorite, the racist slur “dindu.” She seems content, at least for now, to stick with racial-slur-substitutes like “feral” and “thug.”
She feels no such compunction about using the word “faggot,” which she trollishly pretends is not the slur that it is.
Yes, faggot. That's exactly my point. Fucking retard. @DaleInnis
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 26, 2016
@dj357 @Crimethink79 True. It does make you a faggot though. Cry in your Pokemon blankie over it.
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 26, 2016
@Kwearo "Get lost, faggot" works for me.
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 26, 2016
Cry, faggot. Weep copious tears. She knows who you are. She has seen your withered hearts. #SocialAutopsy
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 26, 2016
And these are just from the past 24 hours. I left out the worst one, a crudely sexual bag of insults directed at the excellent @TakedownMRAs
Hardie, while perhaps not the credit to her race that she evidently thinks she is, continues to celebrate (as she has been doing for some time) what she sees as the superiority of “white culture,” or at least the more traditionalist aspects of it.
Without white men, we would all be living in grass huts, eating dirt. #ShowSomeRespect @_PR3M_ @masterninja
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 26, 2016
If women don't embrace the white male patriarchy, they will get the Islamic one. Choose wisely. #AltRight
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 13, 2016
As that last Tweet suggests, Hardie not only apes the rhetoric and the obsessions of the alt-right; she has begun to embrace the label as well.
The only system better than America is the one that's whiter than America @Gavin_McInnes #AltRight
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 13, 2016
Twins would be nice. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #RefugeeCrisis #AltRight
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 13, 2016
Is 'faggot' a color? I feel like it should be a color. #AltRight #Cucks
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 18, 2016
Riveting! Climate is the evolutionary pressure. Northern European climates are much harsher than Africa. #AltRight
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 25, 2016
Yes it is. Until #Muslim animals invaded, there was little to no harassment on Toronto streets. #StopIslam #AltRight
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 13, 2016
And then today, this rather inept attempt at blackface.
#Blackface Because fuck you, that's why #LEMONADE #ThugLife
— Janet Bloomfield (@AndreaHardie) April 26, 2016
I suppose it’s only a matter of time before she starts dressing up as Hitler.
For more on Hardie’s Twitter meltdown, see Janet Bloomfield Has Racist Twitter Meltdown; Says She Wants to Tweet a Photo of Herself in Blackface on Hail to the Gynocracy, which helped point me to some of the Tweets I used in this post.
If you do check out that post, do some poking around in Hail to the Gynocracy’s archives. The site, which tracks the alt-right and other reactionary doofuses, deserves a lot more attention that it gets.