Aaron Clarey: Has many opinions about how black people should live their lives
Aaron Clarey, self-proclaimed “economist” and friend to such Manosphere luminaries as Davis Aurini and Matt Forney, is a white dude with many opinions about black people, and how, in his estimation, they are living their lives incorrectly.
He’s shared some of his unsolicited thoughts about black men in a self-published book with this totally not racist cover:
Well, today he decided to share some thoughts on black women, in a post with the lovely title “Black Moms Using Black Boys to Rake in a Payday.”
Here is the entire post:
I’m starting to wonder if these mothers really love their sons or just view them as a vehicle to sue the police when their “dindu nuffin” gangster son (that they failed to raise properly AND without a father) gets in trouble with the cops.
Yeah yeah, remember, we don’t need no STIIIINNNNNKING FATHERS!
If you click on the link in the post, you’ll see that it links to a Washington Post story about a Chicago mother who is suing the city and the two police officers who shot and killed her 16-year-old son, even though, the suit alleges, the boy “presented no threat” to the officers in question.
Here’s a picture of Pierre Loury’s mother, Tambrasha Hudson, taken the day after her son was killed.
Apparently Clarey thinks that she — and other black mothers — send their sons out into the world every day hoping that they get shot and killed by the police so they can cash in with a lawsuit.
Aaron Clarey, WTF is wrong with you?