Theodore Shoebat is a rabidly homophobic, Muslim-hating Christian fundamentalist probably best known for a seemingly endless stream of YouTube videos in which he calls for “sodomites” to be put to death.
Right Wing Watch does a pretty good job of keeping track of him in articles with titles like “Theodore Shoebat Calls For SWAT Teams To Raid The Homes Of Gay Couples And Seize Their Children” and “Theodore Shoebat Says Jesus Would Personally Beat Gays To Death.”
Well, it turns out that young Mr. Shoebat — son of Walid Shoebat, an anti-Muslim activist and “expert” who says he’s a former Muslim Brotherhood member — also kind of hates women. Or at least women who have rights.
In a recent video, RWW reports, Theodore Shoebat declared that “all these sluts who kill their own children” deserve to be executed.
They had a choice to keep their legs closed. They could have controlled themselves, and they got the abortions and they murdered their own children. Let me tell you something, I believe in the death penalty for these women and I believe that God himself agrees with me.
Here are the highlights of that lovely video:
Not surprisingly, he’s also not too keen on women having the right to vote:
I don’t believe in women voting. I don’t believe in the suffragist movement, I don’t believe in women in politics. If they’re so righteous, let them stay at home and teach their children that righteousness. They have no place on the podium, they have no place in the political sphere. …
We wouldn’t have the crap if women simply taught righteousness to their children as opposed to trying to compete with men all the time in the political sphere and trying to dominate their husbands!
Let’s go to the tape:
Providing yet more evidence for the theory of “Crank Magnetism,” Theodore Shoebat also believes that:
- Homosexuality leads to cannibalism
- Blasphemy also leads to cannibalism
- Gays are trying to”transform the Scouts into a Nazi-like gay youth club,”
- The government should send SWAT teams to shut down yoga studios
Can you guess which candidate he supports for president? I’ll give you one hint: this person’s name starts with “Donald J. Trum.”
Theodore Shoebat hopes that if this mystery candidate is elected, he will institute a “Christian supremacist” regime in which
there’s no free reign for homosexuals, there’s no liberation for perversity and debaseness and just downright weird mutant psychos walking around with clipped liberal dyke hair and men dressing up as women and all that sick, psycho stuff. People who flaunt the Quran in a Christian society would be arrested, at times put to death … .
Stop trying to make “put everyone to death” happen. It’s not going to happen.