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Trouble in paradise? Odious racist pickup guru Heartiste is growing concerned about Donald Trump, his hero and the Great Orange White Hope of the internet’s Nazis, of both the ironic and non-ironic varieties.
Even though Trump has been boasting about his allegedly yuuuge penis, and picking on “little Marco” (Rubio) like a grade-school bully, Heartiste frets that Trump’s opportunistic flip-flops on immigration and his half-assed disavowal of former KKK Super Grand Whatchamacallit David Duke are making him look a little bit, gulp, BETA.
If Trump is beginning to play defense, at this early stage, he risks losing his lead. …
Any feints Trump makes towards the Nation-Wrecking Alliance, such as support (however tepid) for H-1Bs, or constant disavowals of some internet backwater weirdo because media cucks harass him about it every minute, will simply embolden his foes to strike at him twice as hard and four times as often.
The only way to reinflate Trump’s deflating alphatude? By using the MAD SKILLZ of the internet’s alleged pickup masters:
So my Game advice to Trump is this: Politics is pickup without the bodily fluids.
I will give you a moment to cringe before continuing.
The master seducer doesn’t backtrack at the bedroom door.
And another cringe moment. Seriously, take all the cringing time you need as you make it through the rest of Heartiste’s advice.
Keep up the Zero Fucks Given nationalist populism charm assault, and don’t disappoint the swooning voters at the electoral door. Carry them across the threshold. They want you to take them.
Does Heartiste want Trump to date rape the electorate?
Sure, whisper a few sweetly romantic nothings in their ears, show a little of your beta softie side, but when panties are in view don’t sit up and ask “Should I slow down?”. Slip a finger under the waistband. The seduction isn’t over until the Trump voter sighs.
The Heartiste quote isn’t done until the reader throws up a little in their mouth — a point I think most of us probably got to even before the Trump voter panties made their appearance in Heartiste’s creepy metaphor.
Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!