Donald Trump: Sees no evil
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Uh oh! Donald Trump, the great orange hope of America’s internet nazis, is facing a teensy bit of controversy, including some rather intense criticism from fellow Republicans, for his refusal to unequivocally condemn former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke and all the other white supremacists who love him so dearly.
On Twitter, the assortment of nazis and trolls and nazi trolls who seem to be his most enthusiastic backers are rallying around their man. And saying “cuck” a lot.
Here are some highlights — by which I mean lowlights — from the, er, discussion so far.
Mitt Romney another cuck in long line of cucks trying to stick the knife in Trump's back. We're witnessing a MASS DISCREDITING of GOPe.
— ChateauEmissary (@ChateauEmissary) February 29, 2016
.@MittRomney has a black grandkid. He will never be able to think clearly about race or White interests and the national question.
— ChateauEmissary (@ChateauEmissary) February 29, 2016
The lying neocons, cucks, & open borders genocidists are DESPERATE to stump Trump, b/c they know a Trump Prez means the settling of scores.
— ChateauEmissary (@ChateauEmissary) February 29, 2016
(I’m pretty sure ChateauEmissary is none other than our old friend Heartiste.)
It's not just that we need to beat the cucks with Trump. We need to destroy them. Their ideas must be seen as hideous as bestiality.
— Hate Bus (@Yann_Perrod) February 29, 2016
Hopefully Trump is as much of a "tyrant" as these cucks fear he is. #AlwaysTrump #cuckservative
— Abram Cohen (@TheNeoCohen) February 29, 2016
@AmericanAbroad3 It's not thinly-veiled. White genocide isn't cute or funny. Every other candidate EXCEPT Trump are cucks
— Alexander (@theothertoolbox) February 29, 2016
Everyone attempting to clown Donald Trump is either a total pussy or a cuckservative, he's going to win, why would I even be mad?
— DJ Pop A Titty Out (@PizzaPartyBen) February 29, 2016
@FrankAKadar I know u are, the leftist cucks are doing everything in their power and failing at stumping the Trump, Your on the losing side
— Elriz (@RecycledSpoons) February 29, 2016
Trump has taught whites how to fight back & WIN again!
He's destroying shitlib taboos & has globalists shrieking in horror! #AlwaysTrump— Western Triumph (@Western_Triumph) February 27, 2016
#AltRight #WhiteGenocide @ThaRightStuff @JaredTSwift @cuckservative SOMEBODY more talented than me make a meme of Trump gassing @jpodhoretz!
— Edgar Ray Killen (@SamBowersGW) February 29, 2016
Critical mass. The more these #cuckservative pundits elevate their shrill, gay rhetoric, the more voters will get behind Trump.
— The Cuckservative (@cuckservative) February 28, 2016
@orrinknox Trump is winning.We have righteous anger. We have guns. Trust me cuckservative your time is over. America will be great again.
— Achilles (@ragingAchilles) February 28, 2016
@AG_consevrative I think you mean #CUCKSERVATIVE. Don't worry, President Trump will see that you've got comfy seats when you're deported.
— Supreme Dark Lord (@voxday) February 28, 2016
These low T cuckservative types are absolutely terrified of a man like Trump. The weak always fear the strong.
— Fashy Kuroneko (@FashyKuroneko) February 28, 2016
Oh yes it is, Trump is the high energy lightening rod of our rage, the avatar of the American soul incarnate. Deal. https://t.co/mxXZoYh9x9
— Fashy Kuroneko (@FashyKuroneko) February 29, 2016
Just as a #cuckservative is thrilled by another man mounting his own wife, Mitch McConnell would rather lose to Hillary than win with Trump
— Hunter Wallace (@occdissent) February 28, 2016
#Trump is a threat to #Jewish plans of degenerate pluralism for whites. #cuckservative #altright #NRx @ASavageNationhttps://t.co/zb9gNA557s
— Jack Burton (@JackBurtonReflx) February 28, 2016
@cuckservative never forget the 6 million Trump followers.
— Anthony lefevre (@Anthonylefevre3) February 28, 2016
@LindaSuhler All you Globalist Cuckservative traitors will be crying come Tuesday night when Trump sweeps all states.
— Paul D (@paulrdube1) February 28, 2016
Alas, Paul D is probably right.