Face it, dudes! There’s no way you can compete with this.
It’s tough to be a Red Piller, apparently. I mean, once a man has mastered the fine art of Red Pillery, he quickly becomes so irresistable to the HB7’s through HB9’s of the world that he needs advice on which of these lovely ladies deserve to be treated to Long Term Relationships (LTR’s) and which deserve only to be plated.
Happily, the good fellows on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit have made this tedious sorting procedure much easier and more scientific, providing numerous examples of “red flags” that men should watch out for in the ladies they’re dating.
Some of their advice is fairly standard relationship advice: avoid manipulative or abusive women, as manipulation and abuse are only ok when Red Pill dudes do them. Other “red flags” are standard Red Pill bugbears like tattoos (never ok for women); dyed hair (it’s only ok to dye hair if you’re, say, a well-known Red Piller with scary grey hairs sprouting in your beard); antidepressants (getting treatment for depression is apparently a terrible thing); and of course getting fat.
But. as a public service, I thought I would share some of the more, well, unique “red flags” that should instantly disqualify women as LTR material. If nothing else, this should be a useful list for any woman who would like to know some simple things they can do to repel Red Pill dudes.
So here, in the words of assorted Red Pillers, are the Top 18 Often Overlooked Red Pill Red Flags for men seeking long-term relationships. If any of the following are true, your potential special lady is actually a filthy whore only good for sex.
1) She uses birth control
2) She has a “squeaky 5 year old voice”
3) She went to law school
4) She has “many bins of chopped carrots in fridge”
5) She doesn’t wear dresses “without being commanded to”
6) She owns a dog
10) She’s two years older than you
11) She “wants to wear [a] slutty bikini to music festival”
15) She is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse
17) She previously worked at a flight attendant
18) She “frequently [goes] to the hospital and has family with a history of health issues”
So there you are!
There is, of course. a much shorter Red Pill Red Flag list for women considering a long-term relationship with a guy. There is only one item on this list.
- He gets dating advice from the Red Pill subreddit (or any other Red Pill site)
In a future post I will look in more detail at several of these Red Pill Red Flags.
Sources: The first six in the list come from Red Piller abdada, a frequent maker of red flag lists, in comments here , here, and here, The rest are linked directly to their sources on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit.