Channel: racism – We Hunted The Mammoth
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Will Star Wars: The Force Awakens Destroy the White Race With Its Mighty Cuck Staff?

White supremacists have cuck on the brain

White supremacists have cuck on the brain

Is Star Wars: The Force Awakens a fun space opera that’s made a crapload of money and revitalized a beloved franchise after three cringeworthy prequels?

Or is it insidious propaganda for racially mixed sexy times that may ultimately wipe out millions of hypothetical future white babies and, oh yeah, perhaps the entire white race?

Yep, even after the utter failure of their (admittedly half-assed) “boycott” of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the cuck-obsessed white supremacists are still at it, trying to convince the world that the film is all about cuckolding the once-proud white man.

And, naturally, they’re making their case, such as it is, by passing around massively confusing and often barely readable “infographics.”

Take, for example, the one below, which may well be the greatest (by which I mean the terriblist) racist infographic I’ve seen all year. Consider it an early Christmas present from me to you, if you’re into that sort of thing. (Don’t worry if you can’t read it; we’ll get into the specific, er, arguments in a second.)

The SFW version

The SFW version

If you’re wondering about the white blocks, well, I censored several porn images from the original graphic, all involving white women and, well, a certain portion of the anatomy of their black male costars.

You’re welcome!

There’s a lot to take in here, from the censored porn to the kids’ toys to the Bella and the Bulldogs reference in the portion of the “infographic” I put at the start of this post. (If you don’t already know about the Bella and the Bulldogs nonsense, click here because it is amaze (cuck) balls.)

So let’s break down the basic, er, argument here.

The Cuck Ball: Because the leading man in the film is, gasp, black, the only character that white dudes can identify with in the film is the ball-shaped robot BB-8 — because he’s painted white!

Oh, and because the white heroine, Rey, seems to like Finn, the (shudder) black stormtrooper with the heart of gold, the two are basically cuckolding all the white men of this world — not to mention all those living a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


Note: I fiddled with the contrast to make this more readable.

Never mind that the film is full of other white characters, and that moviegoers are more than capable of identifying with characters who don’t share their skin color, or their gender, or even their species. Hell, the infographic maker admits they can identify with robots.

Not only that, but moviegoers who aren’t straight cis white men do this all the time when they watch films where the main characters (and often most of the rest of the cast) are straight cis white men. But when one film in a movie franchise that’s featured white dudes as the main characters in THE PREVIOUS SIX FILMS puts a black man in one of the leading roles, evidently it’s the end of the world or at least the white race.

And even the barest hint that this black character might at some point in the future lay a completely consensual kiss on the white female lead has the white supremacists shouting “cuck” from the rooftops. In this film, the “romance” (if it can even be called that) that the poor little cuck ball is forced to witness is entirely hypothetical; it never goes beyond flirting and a bit of handholding. (Who knew robots were so damn jealous?)

Don’t tell these guys about Netflix’s Jessica Jones and her sexy times with Luke Cage; their heads would explode.

And then there’s …

Rey’s mighty Cuck Staff. As the infographic-maker sees it, the phallic staff is basically a huge black dildo, which Disney has put into the film in order to program white girls to, well, want to have sex and babies with black men.(Why would Disney want to do this? I’m guessing these guys think it all has something to do with the Jews.)

Anyway, it’s all very … subliminal.


Woah. I mean, it’s not like any of the white men in the Star Wars franchise ever carried around any large phallic objects of their own that have been made into toys that have been played with by probably half the people on planet earth.

Oh wait.

But apparently Rey’s Cuck Staff is more powerful than any mere light saber, and will insidiously work its way into the minds of impressionable girls the world around.


Naturally, all this staff-grasping can only result in one thing:

THE TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF THE WHITE RACE! Literally MILLIONS of (hypothetical) WHITE BABIES WILL BE DESTROYED (by not existing in the first place)!


So, yeah, here we have white supremacists essentially arguing that their mythical all-powerful, civilization-building, world-dominating, Donald-Trump-loving white race is secretly so fragile it can be brought down by some white chick holding a stick in a movie.

Enjoy the rest of your night-before-Christmas (or, depending on your time zone, Christmas yourself), if you’re into that sort of thing.

H/T — @videodante, who pointed me to the, er, “infographic” on Reddit; it seems to have originated on 4chan shortly after the film’s premiere.

EDIT: A few minor fiddles with wording.

EDIT 2: Somehow one of the screenshots I meant to put in didn’t get put in (I blame my interns, who are also my cats). I put it in. It’s the last one, about the babies.

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