I hope you’re happy, white ladies. You have tempted fate with your evil white lady ways, and now you will be paying the price: Some dude named Mark Judge will no longer be dating you.
To be fair, he won’t be dating white men either — he’s straight — but he seems a bit more worked up about the women.
In a post earlier this week on Real Clear Religion, Judge, a right-wing Catholic who is himself white, explained Why I Won’t Date Secular White Women. It’s really quite simple: they’re soulless sluts who don’t know how to love:
White women in the West — like white men in the West — have lost their souls. Triangulated between a feminism that preaches perpetual outrage, a porn culture that turns love into a biology lesson (and which has made it into our sit-coms, movies, and music) and a hard conservatism that ignores art, many Western women have lost the capacity to appreciate and create beauty, to wonder and delight, to genuinely love.
I guess before “porn culture” and raunchy sit-coms, love was chaste and pure and didn’t require anyone to put any part of themselves inside of anyone else.
Oh, and he’s apparently not a big fan of iPhones, or women with a sense of humor.
Bombarded into spiritual catatonia by rage politics, digital devices, easy sex and irony, American women don’t seem to have wisdom, but sarcasm. Instead of joy, they trade in snark. They take flirting to be sexual harassment. Claiming to be “spiritual but not religious,” they are neither.
As he sees it, the western women of today just can’t compare to the much higher quality of western women in days gone by.
[I]t wasn’t so long ago that there were women in the West who had both brilliance and the capacity to wonder … Sophia Loren, Annie Leibovitz, Bille [sic] Holiday, Joan Didion, Elizabeth Taylor, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Audrey Hepburn — to name just a few — were women who have no contemporary equal, at least in the decadent Western world.
It’s an odd list for many reasons. For one thing, nearly half the women on it (Sophia Loren, Annie Leibovitz, and Joan Didion) are very much alive. The “contemporary equal” of Annie Leibovitz would probably be … Annie Leibovitz. The “contemporary equal” of Joan Didion would be Joan Didion.
But let’s let that slide, because, aside from these six white gals, and “Bille” Holiday, we still don’t know what sorts of ladies he would date.
The answer? Foreign ladies who are all “receptive” and shit.
Compared to white women, women from other parts of the world offer genuine substance. I was lucky enough to date someone from another culture for several years. She was from India, and had in abundance what most women in the West have lost: what the philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand called “receptivity to values.”
And it helps if they’ve never seen an ocean before.
Dating someone from India brought me into contact with a culture that is still receptive to values as von Hildebrand understood them. My girlfriend clutched my hand in delight at dance concerts and wept when she saw the Atlantic Ocean for the first time.
Also, fans of 2 Broke Girls are definitely OUT. Total dealbreaker!
India — like Africa and Japan and other non-Western cultures — still sees with open eyes. They have dance that flatters rather than degrades the female body, colorful and embodied religious ritual (hands folded, my girlfriend would greet the sun morning at the beach), and food as soulful restitution and not just bodily nourishment. We have cupcakes and 2 Broke Girls.
I haven’t ever watched 2 Broke Girls, but what the hell is wrong with cupcakes?
Weirdly, Judge seems to have forgotten that there are a variety of not-white women in the US that don’t come from exotic foreign lands. Aside from a brief snarky comment about Jennifer Lopez, he seems unaware that there are quite a few other latina women in the US. He mentions Africa, but doesn’t seem much interested in American-born black gals.
Of course, he might still be sore because a couple of years ago a black person stole his bike.
Well, he thinks it might have been a black person. In a 2012 post on the Daily Caller, Judge wrote about the day his feelings of white guilt ended forever — the day someone stole his beloved bike, which he’d left locked to his car in a predominantly black area in Washington DC.
I could be pretty certain that on Good Friday a member of the Little Sisters of the Poor, which is across the street from where I was parked, had not nicked my bike. Neither had the monks at the Dominican House of Studies on the corner. The students at Catholic University were on Easter break. That left the neighborhoods around the university. Since the time I was an undergrad at Catholic University in the 1980s, most of the crime that has occurred on campus has come from those neighborhoods, which are predominately black. … I knew that the odds were very high that a black person had taken my bike — maybe one of the [neighborhood] kids … .
You know, Mark, it might be a good idea if you didn’t date anybody, regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin.