I‘m sorry, did I say “helpful?” I meant “so convoluted that the diagram-maker eventually gave up drawing lines between boxes because even he couldn’t figure out how all these things allegedly relate to each other.”
I should note that in addition to being a mess, this diagram is also complete bullshit, and that “Cultural Marxism” only exists in the fevered imaginations of neo-Nazis, conspiracy theorists, #Gamergaters and Bernard Chapin? For an actual history of “Cultural Marxism” as a boogeyman of the far right, see here. For more lovely “Cultural Marxism” infographics and memes, several of which do include “Le Happy Merchant,” see my earlier post on the subject.
Oh, ok. Here (after the jump) is a crapload of BONUS images I found by searching for “cultural marxism,” this time on Twitter. [CONTENT WARNING: All the bigotries, actual pro-Hitler Tweets, cartoon semi-nudity.]
Note: This last image, as you’ve probably gathered, is not an actual SPLC poster. A Google image search shows that pretty much the only people who’ve posted it online have been right-wing asshats. For example, this guy, who regularly posts images even worse than the ones I’ve got here.
H/T — @jason_a_w on Twitter, for posting the convoluted diagram, sent to him by someone who thought it actually made sense, and maistrechat, for linking to Jason’s Tweet in the comments here.