Channel: racism – We Hunted The Mammoth
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Vox Day: If a woman says she was raped by a white man, she’s probably lying, because only blacks and hispanics rape

There's at least one group that might welcome Vox Day

There’s at least one group that might welcome Vox Day

This is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.) Thanks!

I thought I’d seen every variety of rape apologism known to humankind. But this is a new one for me: Fantasy author and garbage human Vox Day (aka Theodore Beale) has decided that all claims of rape directed at white guys are suspect because … white guys don’t rape.

No, really. That’s his actual argument:

White American men simply don’t rape these days. At this point, unless a womann claims it was committed by a black or Hispanic man she didn’t previously know, all claims of rape, especially by a college woman, have to be considered intrinsically suspect.

His, er, source for these claims? A post from the website Women For Men — founded by familiar names Suzanne Venker, Helen Smith and Christina Hoff Sommers — about a video of unknown provenance of a shouting match that involves a white woman accusing a presumably white man of rape. (There are no details on the alleged incident, and it’s not clear from watching the almost literally unbelievable video what exactly happened or if the video is even real.) Needless to say, even if the video is 100% real it doesn’t actually provide anything even remotely approaching evidence for Vox’s racist claims.

Which isn’t surprising given that they aren’t, you know, true. When it comes to rape, of course, whites and blacks are overwhelmingly — roughly 8 out of 10 times — victimized by members of their own race.  And in most cases, as is well-known, rapes are committed by people the victim knows, not the proverbial man hiding in the bushes.

Vox continues on, pulling more “facts” from his posterior:

No one believes that women don’t lie about rape anymore. Even the average feminist is now rolling her eyes when a college woman comes forward and cries rape. This was the inevitable result of creating St. Rape Victim, now every attention-seeking young woman wants to have been raped.

One of Vox’s commenters puts the cherry on this shit sundae:

It’s a sad state of affairs when women have to resort to these tactics to get attention. And even more sad state when they are the ones who put themselves there in the first place by embracing everything that makes them unattractive to men.

Back when Vox was expelled from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, you may recall, he purported to be outraged that people were calling him racist.

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