I Love Literally Hitler
So a new Redditor has wandered into the Red Pill subreddit, that bastion of enlightened male thought, bringing with him a tale of woe:
I don’t know about you, but I would totally watch that sitcom.
In the Red Pill subreddit, though, the fellas didn’t see much humor in his situation (and only a select few even suspected a troll).
While quite a few thought that Mr. TiltMyBrain had brought the situation on himself, others came to his defense. After all, during the years in which his wife morphed into Hitler and his gay son became gay, he hadn’t yet gotten the Good News of the Red Pill, and didn’t realize he could totally stop the wife-Hitlerization, son-gayification process by being a huge dick to everyone in his family.
Others had more practical suggestions:
I’m hoping that last comment was meant as a joke, but on The Red Pill subreddit it’s impossible to tell.
For many, the crucial question of the day was whether TiltMyBrain’s son was irredeemably gay, or simply so disgusted with the sorry state of modern women that he decided to be a pretend gay because it’s so much easier than being a straight man. Because that’s totally how sexuality works.
Ill_mumble_that reminded the rest of the crucial problem with the son’s possibly pretend homosexuality: All his sperm is going to waste.
And while we’re on the topic of sperm going to waste, a few of the regulars wondered how the OP had managed to have children if the marriage was sexless. A couple of wisecrackers provided a hilarious answer.
Well, hilarious if you’re a regular on Stormfront or Chateau Heartiste.
Ha ha! He was cuckolded by black men with hilarious black names!
You know, guys, if you’re really that obsessed with this particular scenario, there’s porn for that. Hell, there’s porn for pretty much all of your ridiculous Red Pill fantasies.
In fact, I’d recommend that everyone posting on The Red Pill stick with porn, forever.
H/T — TheBluePill subreddit. Heck, someone there even came up with the sitcom joke too, though I totally swear I came up with it independently myself! Another Blue Piller helpfully provided this artistic rendition of a Screeching Hitler.